To make a long story short, we just figure some of you out there are as bored as we are.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Interactive websites with no purpose make me swoon.Interactive websites with no purpose make me swoon.

I assuredly use google ten kajillion times a day. In fact, I must frequent about forty kajillion identically styled utilitarian search engines / dictionaries / newsources / hour logging websites on any given day of the week. So when I stumble across a website that’s beauty and has pretty much no useful information I tend to spend half of my day fervently clicking about its pointless pages. The other day I not only found one of these sites but four identically awesome, enthrallingly interactive, uselessly original sites for some Oakley sponsored “Extreme” Athletes. They’re flashtastic and pull off that “so hip it went past cool, hauled ass around lame, then full ciricled back to hip” aesthetic I’ve come to enjoy so much.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Plus, each page provides its own delightfully odd features that make absolutely no sense! I’d start here (because he’s the best looking) and be sure to click on the “Other Lives” links to experience the full spectrum. If you can find the seagull or win Vicci’s couch I’ll kiss your ass.

In an unrelated topic, it’s been over 100 degrees in the Magic City for about a week straight (sucks to be Shannon). Enjoy your sweat induced comas kiddies.

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